* Head of PA "BROK"
* Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation
* An engineer-shipbuilder by education, a writer, a journalist, who worked for many years at the famous radio station "Pacific Ocean", broadcasting for our sailors in all seas and oceans of the Earth.
* A publicist who has produced the "Zapovedano" TV show for many years, an active member of the Greenpeace international organization since 1989, the head of the "Brok" public environmental organization, the publisher of the Ecology and Business magazine, Honored Ecologist of Russia, a member of the Public Environmental Coordination Council of the Primorsky Territory.
* Winner of the UN honorary title "Hero of the Forest - 2011" with the presentation of the Gold Medal at the end of the International Year of Forests.
* Winner of the Vernadsky National Ecological Prize 2015.